Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Blog #1

For my junior year at HTHMA I would like to have all B's. I would also like to try to take 1 honors class, whether it be humanities or biology. I have already taken biology for a half a year and it will definitely help me this year. In math I hope to fully understand all of it and be able to teach others if they are having trouble. I have taken algebra 2 and Pre calculus so I have an advantage in math this year also.

In humanities class this year, I would like to come out of this class ready for senior year and sort of be ready for college or feel better about it being my last year here at HTHMA. I would like to learn about the world politics this year. Last year when the president was being elected I really got into it and enjoyed following Obama's presidency. I hope to follow the politics again this year.

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