Thursday, September 10, 2009

blog number 4!

The feedback I recived in todays critique was very helpful. Shannon critiqued my artist statement and really told me to just lay down why I like Ryan Hall so much and how I aspire to be like him. I knew I had to put that in I just did not know how to put it down on paper. Shannon really helped me be able to get my words to come out right.
Rough Draft Artist Statment:
I was a freshman when I first heard of Ryan Hall. I was new to running and was desperately trying to get in shape for my first race in 2 weeks. My cross country team held a 3 day trip to Big Bear where anybody who was keeping up with their running log, could go. I wanted to go so I could improve my running. I tried to get some of my friends on the team to go, but none were up to it. I ended up being the only freshman girl to go and being the freshman I was, I was terrified.
Those 3 days at Big Bear that year changed my whole high school experience. I realized how much bonding a team can do in just 3 days, I was able to participate in a running program called “move a million miles for Ryan Hall” and to help participate in that program I had to up my game and run with the girls varsity team. Those 3 days were the painfulness experience I had ever gone through, both mentally and physically. I was drained by the time I got home, but was so excited to tell my family about my experience at Big Bear. That was the first time I had ever heard of Ryan Hall.
Ryan Hall popped up in conversations all the time after that year at Big Bear. In sophomore year I went to Big Bear again, Ryan Hall had passed the Olympics trial and had a time of just over 2 hours, putting him in first place. Every night we had mandatory meetings on the cabins porch, but on the 2nd night Myette, our coach yelled at us to hurry up and get everyone in the small living room. There were 60 kids and 10 adults all crammed in that room watching Ryan Hall get bronze in the Olympics. I felt so proud to be in Ryan’s home town watching him complete his own dream of being in the Olympics. That was one of the best nights of my life, ever since then I have always thought of Ryan Hall as my inspiration to being the runner I am today.
Just last year I participated in an organized protest called “The Rescue,” that supported young boys in Uganda Africa who were being abducted from their home. We were supposed to be rescued by someone well known, like a celebrity or person in office. Guess who rescued us! Ryan Hall! I was ecstatic that he would come to a puny thing like “The Rescue”! But he came and gave a great speech about sticking up for the boys in Uganda. I have always liked Ryan Hall but just seeing him support something that has also been big in my life, well I was over the moon. I ended up dragging my friend Elena over to meet him and take our picture. I just happened to be wearing my cross country jacket and he mentioned it and said something, I told him I was a junior in school and ran for the cross country team. Elena then snapped a picture and the rest of the night I freaked out. Ryan Hall has always been my running inspiration, and I inspire to be like him when I grow older.

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