Friday, September 4, 2009

blog #3 american icon resources. yo.


This website gives me tons of information on the history of the Beatles and how they became the band they are now.

  • John Lennon: the life - book

This book does not follow the title at all, it talks about the band as a whole but at the same time gives me information about John Lennon also.

  • The Beatles Live on the Ed Sullivan Show - video

This video is an interview with the Beatles, it lets me get information that I could not have gotten otherwise because they are personally there and not dead yet.

Ryan Hall:

  • The Ryan Hall Story - 2008 Olympian - Video

This video is all about Ryan's work outs and how he trains for the up coming Olympics.

This website gives me tons of information about how Ryan hall did in the Olympics and it goes deeper into the race then what they showed on TV.

  • The Last Days of Old Beijing - book

From what I have read so far, this book just talks about the Olympics as a whole and how Beijing got ready for it. it is really good background information that I will use.

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