Tuesday, September 15, 2009


During the American icon project I learned that I can still write a good sized essay even after summer break. A writing technique that I used was to activate my verbs and avoid ending in -ing. I used both of these thoroughly in my essay. On my second draft I went through my entire essay and circled every single word ending with -ing, in purple. Then I tried to rewrite every single sentence that had words ending in -ing. i then needed to activate the verbs that needed to be activated.

If I had time for one more draft I would send my artist statement out to a couple of my friends and have them revise it. One sentence I am very proud of is "There were 60 kids and 10 adults cheering and yelling, all crammed in that room watching Ryan Hall get bronze in the Olympics." I think this sentence is very good because I tried to describe everything that was happening in the room, I think it is very descriptive.

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