Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Reconstruction started in 1867 and it is an act that laid out the process for readmitting Southern states into the Union. After Lincoln was shot, president Andrew Johnson had to try to bring all the states back together again, after the Civil War divided them into South and North.

The North seems to just give up about 3/4th of the way through, that to me seems like a bad choice amongst the people who are the African Americans only help trying to be free. They just give up and say oh we have done enough for you, deal with it yourself.

It is relevant today because just 13 years ago, there was a vote to keep people from marrying opposite race's. Around 30% voted to keep it intact, that tells America that there are still racial problems whether they are hidden or not. "Today, racial segregation has been outlawed, blacks vote on the same terms as whites, and more black Americans hold public office than ever before." (

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