Thursday, May 13, 2010

Trial Reflection

The prosecution reflected on the McDonald's immigrant incident. When Ben was talking to the witnesses he would talk about either the incident, constitution, and he reflected on what the defendant side was arguing. One witness that the prosecution had was John Adams, what he talked about was natural rights, all people should have rights, and how Arizona is racial profiling to catch immigrants(even thought they tried to downplay it). They used a lot of small short and straight to the point, strong facts from the U.S. constitution.

The Defense used a lot of facts from the House and the Senate bill that they were defending. They also had facts such as a nationwide survey. They also had some moral and logical things put into theirs such as what the people on bordering towns would think and how it can be dangerous for the illegal immigrants and the citizens. They mostly tried to just convince everybody that they didn't use racial profiling to catch immigrants.

I think that the most significant piece of evidence from the trial was in the closing statement in which the prosecute read out from the amendment.

The story about the McDonald indecent. The entire story just was gut wrenching and a bad example of our government laws.

I do agree with the jury, I think that Ben and D'vaughn made a compelling case, they were better prepared and had more evidence to support their side. Even though I was writing as though I was on the defensive side I felt that the prosecution did a better job presenting their evidence in a compelling case.

I think I deserve a 45 out of 50 points because I was attentive throughout the entire trial and I wrote my 2 days worth of blogs during the trial while it was still fresh in my mind. I collaborated with Lisbeth and we helped each other write the blogs. When I saw something that my side could have done better, I pointed it out to her, just as she did for me. I think Randy was expecting more from us, as in a paragraphed version of our notes but it was kind of hard to do that when all we had were short sentences. I could have worked on it after the first day, but I had a crises and didn't have much free time that day to do my homework.

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