Thursday, May 13, 2010

Trial Reflection

The prosecution reflected on the McDonald's immigrant incident. When Ben was talking to the witnesses he would talk about either the incident, constitution, and he reflected on what the defendant side was arguing. One witness that the prosecution had was John Adams, what he talked about was natural rights, all people should have rights, and how Arizona is racial profiling to catch immigrants(even thought they tried to downplay it). They used a lot of small short and straight to the point, strong facts from the U.S. constitution.

The Defense used a lot of facts from the House and the Senate bill that they were defending. They also had facts such as a nationwide survey. They also had some moral and logical things put into theirs such as what the people on bordering towns would think and how it can be dangerous for the illegal immigrants and the citizens. They mostly tried to just convince everybody that they didn't use racial profiling to catch immigrants.

I think that the most significant piece of evidence from the trial was in the closing statement in which the prosecute read out from the amendment.

The story about the McDonald indecent. The entire story just was gut wrenching and a bad example of our government laws.

I do agree with the jury, I think that Ben and D'vaughn made a compelling case, they were better prepared and had more evidence to support their side. Even though I was writing as though I was on the defensive side I felt that the prosecution did a better job presenting their evidence in a compelling case.

I think I deserve a 45 out of 50 points because I was attentive throughout the entire trial and I wrote my 2 days worth of blogs during the trial while it was still fresh in my mind. I collaborated with Lisbeth and we helped each other write the blogs. When I saw something that my side could have done better, I pointed it out to her, just as she did for me. I think Randy was expecting more from us, as in a paragraphed version of our notes but it was kind of hard to do that when all we had were short sentences. I could have worked on it after the first day, but I had a crises and didn't have much free time that day to do my homework.
The second day in court begins.
Swears in Jan B.
Was the holocaust popular? It wasn’t popular in the United States.
Is Child labor popular? It is popular in one part of the nation.
Are they a federation law? Yes.
It does not promote racial profiling.
D’vaughn seems to be talking very quiet, I cant really understand her.
They spot someone if they are committing a crime. Its not by skin color or nationality.
The only piece of solid evidence that the defense side has is about the woman who was arrested even after she showed her papers…it makes them seem unprepared and lazy that they always have to go back to that one woman.

Swears in john Adams
How can we stop the illegal imagrents from crossing the border? Protect borders more. Make it harder to cross the border.
Do you favor the immigrants more? No. I am for equal rights.
(Objection. Overruled)
Reads a passage from…a book about John Adams

Swears in Russell Pierce-Senator of Arizona
Carries drivers license, seems easy enough.
We are trying to look out for the greater people of America
(They both read really fast, it’s hard to catch what they are saying.)
We would not be refusing the immigrant medical service.
Is there a time when you don’t carry identification? No.
Working out? No I need to drive there.
What about someone who is just taking a walk? I’m sure that they would still have a wallet with them.
I’m not sure every police officer follows the rules.
Objection. Argumentative.


Ben read a part of the amendments and the constitution of the United States.
Dorian read a statement from Senate Bill 1070 and House Bill 2162.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mock trial day 1

The following is just my notes I took down during the court, I hurriedly rushed to get everything down as it was being said:

The defence side is very disorganized and not ready, we are waiting for the bailiff to swear us in.

The jury is on my right side, somehow 1/3 of them didn’t bother to show up on time, and were consequently kicked out of the court.

The prosecution side looks very good, neat and sitting quietly, defense!

We begin with the prosecutions opening statement. The prosecution left their manners at home, they slurp their water.

He judge explains the rules to the court, prosecution is fidgety and rude.

“The court is now in session”

“We are all immigrant in the beginning…immigrants come to America to purse a better light…your tired your huddled masses yearning to be free…it is clearly welcoming the immigrants to the united states of America…liberty and justice for all…we do not want to make the same mistakes again…life, liberty, pursue of happiness…(she is fidgety and never makes eye contact with the audience, reads directly from the paper) meant for every person who sets foot in the united states.

(Addresses the court, makes eye contact, reads clearly and loud,) it is unjust and unfair, we have to think about our citizen’s…legal representatives…120’…do we want people to live with out homes in?

Calls first witness

Bailiff swears in john Adams-kind of shaky, doesn’t know what she is saying, does not even know his own birthday!

Defended British shoulders, defended

He is a person life liberty and happiness, America is a free country. (Looks kind of bored) more important to protect innocent people then to punish guilty people, goes against the laws of immigrants, no state shall deprive the needy, dose more to punish people then it does help needy,

(Somehow the defense does not need to ask questions to the witness)

Swears in James Madison.

(Laughing as she says yes, chewing gum, VERY RUDE, reads off paper)

Just restates the constitution of America, no new knowledge, restates 5th amendment

Swears in Raul

Born in America, father came to united states., operation wetback? Was the united states attempt to spot immigrants, US tried to weed out the immigrants, (embarrassing) prop 187 is a statement to forbid health care for immigrants has an issue with Latinos, filing law suits against Arizona, enforce the law or be fired.


(very intimidating)

(maybe? Laughs from witnesses)

does not know common knowledge, must be reminded of the law! That’s just embarrassing…

(looks scared to object!)

Dorian looks very smug…for some reason?

Would you always bring a passport and visa? Yes.

You need to be a citizen to come into the united states.

Do you have a better system? No…I could

The jury is well as the audience behind me. I think the bailiff may need to step in soon.

Always addresses the judge as “your honor”

Challenges Hallie with a rude question. Hallie smartly answers!

Would you carry your passport everywhere you go? Even to the grocery store? No. I don’t think that is acceptable.

Do American citizens cause displacement to the city? Yes.

(never looks up from paper)

gives jury time to ask questions…blank stares, nothing, not even a peep.

Mele steps into give recourse's to prosecution

Jury is being very rude.


Swears in Jan B. Governor

(Very prepared.)

Do you like living in Arizona? Yea I do.

Racial profiling in illegal in Arizona, make sure that they honor the natural laws and uphold a person rights.

Will they be held accountable? Yes.

270,000 people crossing the border and caught.

When released from jail, they commit violent crimes.

The bill means that we will not be judging people souley on their race. We are going to hold our police officers accountable for their actions.

Are our own citizens killing? Yea, they are people, but they are not citizens.

Can state declare war? No.

A state cannot make laws that go against the court.

Do you think this is the proper way to fix the immigration problem? It’s the only way we have.

(very quiet..always)

I think that this way is constitutional.

I don’t believe we are taking constitutional laws into our own hands.

Whatever the Constitution say we have to follow.

(Dorian fix’s his tie)

Dorian seems to be very well prepared.

Richard leaves the court without asking)

Hallie is asking Jan questions, Jan is very calm and answers clearly and loud.

The defence looks out of order and dysfunctional.

Is Arizona one of the main funnels in to the united states? Yes. It gets very hot for the citizens to live in. if citizens don't have homes, they will not be able to survive. Immigrants are taking the homes of citizens.

Swears in Robert Washborn-commissioner at Ellis Island

20% were rejected from Ellis Island.

Very serious disease going around and did not want that in our country.

Asked 29 questions, name, where from, occupation, how much money….

Statue of liberty is a home for the poor.

(laughing, not very prepared)

do we racially profile? No. its just an of coincident.

(objection, never mind.) (objection overruled)

most males work in docks or warehouses

woman worked in homes or sweatshops

Ben is very dysfunctional, calls objection, then cancels it. Judge is getting mad.

Ben is not very prepared, just called objection, speculation. And was overruled!

Every one in Ellis island in documented, nobody is documented now.

We don’t even know who they are anymore, it is impossible to tell who is who.

Do you agree that they need to have documentation and legal proof to be a legal citizen? Yes. They need to be.

No proof with him about EVERYBODY who came through.

Checked for disease and money.

These immigrants helped process society. True? Yes.

Recalling Jan tomorrow. In exchange for John and James.

Jury questions:

Grant- who supported you with your bill?

Steve-what is Roberts ethnic background? British. Former minor

Akari-how long is a process for illegal immigrants in Ellis island? It depends, 1st class went through fast, some had to be held for questioning, it could take any amount of time. Determined by economical status.

Steven-How long does the process take now? About 50 questions.

Jury is very quiet. Blank stares. Not very prepared.

RECESS until tomorrow.