Friday, October 30, 2009

blog 19!

1. when i watched this video the level of proffesionalism stood out to me as not very good. this video is made from a family going to the cove. the most sucssecful asspect of it is the close up shots, the camera they used is very high quality, so when it zooms in then it still stays clear.

2. the message is to show people the pool so it might get more visitors or it someone wannted to go but couldn't, now they can just look at a video.

3. the intended audience is anyone who likes seals or wildlife. perhaps they want to remember there time at the pool.

4. the movie is made with just a simple movie maker. but tthe quality is very good it has great camera shots and the zoom is amazing and all of that together balances it out perfectly.

5. one techneque they used was the camera angle and quality.

6. i chose this video because it give perspective from different angles of the cove and shows a local fun thing to do with your family, it was also one of the things i could find on it that was not ruined with the type of music used.

blog 18!

During the Industrialisation news paper project I learned that teamwork is everything. If we don't communicate with our group then nothing will get done, and it may turn out not to be our best work. this lesson that I have learned I will carry on to our MSB project, it is always good to have teamwork within groups. I can communicate with the entire photo essay group as well as all of the people going to the La Jolla children's cove. Since I hope can do a photo essay then I might have to work with the calendar group to give them my pictures as well as give them my caption and make it all fit.

Monday, October 26, 2009

MBS people groups and organizations!
this is surfriders foundation, it gives information about the state our california beachs are in. becuase it is surfrider i trust the information, we will work with them in our MSB project so i trust their website information.
this is coastkeeper, we also work with them on the project and i also trust their information becuase i know it is real and good, they would not make up information and then put it on thier website.
this is the website for orange county coastkeeper. it is also a part of coastkeeper, so i trust the information there is a short story on the MPA (marine protected area) and i think the informaiton from it is good to use in my final product.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

3 blogs posts i liked!!

From Brent-"Possible MSB Products", I realized/learned/thought....

i really liked the movie that he choose as his inspiration, it was very professional, as well interesting. it gave tons of good information and helped me learn more about the recent oil spills. if i end up doing a video, this is one that i will definitely look into. i still would like to do a photo essay but if i am not allowed to then i would do a video.

from D'Vaughn-"blog 15", I realized/learned/thought....

when i read this blog, what really hit me was all the trash on the beach! if i could do a project i would try to do something about the trash on our beaches it would really raise awareness about the increasing piles of trash on out beaches.

from grant "blog #15," I realized/learned/thought....

when i followed the link on grants blog, it took me to an amazing photo essay. there were really proffetional photos and there were little paragraphs about each picture, like backgrougn information.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

idea #2

for my final product i think it would be cool to do a video. i have never really worked with cameras much but i could figure it out. i would like to answer the question, should we let kids come back to the children's pool?

this video is a lot better then some of the others i have watched. it caught my eye because there is no commentary or background sound, some of the other videos i watched had horrible sound and screeching noises in the back. this one also had a steady picture, like they used a tripod. it was much more professionally done, then the homemade ones where the picture was shaking.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

idea #1

For my final product i would prefer to do a picture essay, i would like to take pictures of the seal pool and address the question, should we let kids come back to the childrens pool?

This picture is very high quality. It uses the rule of thirds, and side lighting. It gives a view of the walkway where people can see the seals, it also shows the seals on the beach.


  1. Would it be a good idea to let kids play in the childrens pool?
  2. How do the tides affect the water flow, would that contribute to the matter? Would sharks be a factor? is it worth it to clean up the beach and let the public use it?
  4. the children's pool in La Jolla, was once a coastal bluff called Seal Rock Point. It was a shallow water pooland it had a large offshore rock called Seal Rock. La Jolla philanthropist, Ellen Browning Scripps donated the funds in 1931 to build a sea wall in an attempt to close off the channel and create a safe beach area for children. Seals began using the beach in winter during the 1970s. Seals and people shared the beach until 1997 when high bacteria levels from the seals deemed this beach unsafe for human to use.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
1. The basic issue is that industrialization leads to increased water consumption by everyone and everything. 70% of or water is taken by industrialized agriculture and agriculture is always being industrialized.
2. it does not tell you where the other 30% is going. it could be for humans to consum it, or using it else where.
3. if i were to create a follow up, i would deffenetly add the information that is missing. i would try to add more into the story to make it relate to people on a more personal scale.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

3 possible project questions

how can we clean up the NPG or keep it small?
-my table and i had an idea to just go out and use our plankton tows to get a sample and see aprox. how little the plastic is, how much there is, and if we can reduce it somehow.

would trash cans help keep the beaches clean?
-we were wondering why there were NO trash cans on the beach, also if we put more out and emptyed them regularly if that would help or not.
-we noticed when we went to our site that there were absoulutly NO trash cans any where, which means there was trash everywhere.

why should i care?
-this is a broad question that i think would help raise awarness about the state the beaches are in now.
-it would give information to people who would want it.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Continuum of the Civil War

Dying for Dixie is a chapter in the book confederates in the attic by Tony Horawitz. He traveled to Guthrie, Kentucky, a small town on the border of Tennessee to report on the murder of Michael Westerman. He interviews Westermans family to get their side of the story. “They say that the war ended a long time ago. But around here it’s like it’s still going on.” (pg 124) In some ways I think that this is explaining a very true assumption. Throughout the entire article it just seems like random shootings start because of their race, or if someone gets offended by the rebel flag being waved around, fights just seem to start. The war is still going on because they still have tons of racial problems, but it seems the issues revolve around the rebel flag.

When Freddy shot Michael Westerman, he did not know why he was doing so, “I thought it was just the Dukes of Hazard sign.” (pg 116) Freddy did not know anything else about the flag, he shot Michael because he thought it would get him attention and he would be seen as “cool.” I suppose that some of his friends in the car knew what the flag meant; they could have pressured him into shooting Michael because he had the flag waving on his car.

Freddy was deemed as “prone to violence and showing off.” (pg 116) I think Freddy only shot Michael because he wanted attention and that he was being pressured into following his old ways. Freddy moved to Guthrie because his mom got sick of his Chicago attitude. He was originally in a gang where they created violence where ever they went. He was falling back into his attitude and becoming violent.

The racial tension is not just affecting the blacks, there are whites being abused as well. “Yo, snow! What’s your name? Hey sugar, come up and get some sweet stuff.” (pg 114) “Any given black person…is about seventeen times more likely to kill a white person then the other way around.” (pg 112) Some people hear racism and automatically assume that black are being abused, but what some don’t realize is that whites are being abused or shot just for being white and announcing what they believe in.

“Slavery was not all that bad, a lot of people were quite happy to be living on large plantations…blacks need to get over slavery, you can’t live in the past” (pg 99) Chapman never had to go through that, but yet she still says that it was a good way to live “don’t put us there they used to be” (pg 99) and yet she does not want to be forced to live like that.

When faced with a racial problem I think you should at least try to face it. “As soon as the blacks got in [the pool], all the whites got out. Whites demanded that Eskridge tell the blacks to leave…Eskridge and her husband filled the pond with dirt rather than let it become the scene of racial strife”(pg 94) Eskridge seems to me like a cowardly person, she tries to hide and just dismiss things. If she stood up to the whites and told them a piece of her mind, then maybe there would be a little less racial problems that were over the pool. This was after the slaves had all been allowed to be free. Some people just need to get over the fact that we are all equal.

I think that the south still has racial problems. Most of the racial problems are caused from the rebel flag still being used as the mascot for the school. The war still seems to be going on in Guthrie, but I think people will stand up for what they believe in. Sometimes it gets out of hand when guns are drawn for no apparent reason, or just to have their time to fight back at the opposite race.