Thursday, June 17, 2010

semester reflection part 1

The hardest challenge for me this year was trying to work around my disability. Every year it gets harder to keep up with my class, this year especially the first semester I was really struggling, I was also having a lot of trouble in engineering. My disability prevents me from memorizing things, so its harder for me to study for tests and memorize vocabulary or equations. In engineering I had to do both, there was one test we took about tools. There were 50 or so tools we had to memorize, meaning name, picture, and description of what they are. This would normally take me about an hour a day for 2 weeks, but I only had 4 days. I started freaking out but I realised that I could ask Karl for extra time to study. Since I took control of the situation and realised that I would need extra help and told him ahead of time I was granted the weekend and the next Monday to study before I had to take the test. In comparison, for example in Randy's class we had to create multiple photo essays. I found that this is much easier for me to do as well as I enjoy it more. I love to take pictures and it comes easier to me then memorizing for a vocabulary test, I am able to finish these photo essays feeling better about myself and wanting to show them off to people.

Some challenges I face with a project based school is having multiple projects all due around the same time. Some times I will focus on one project more then another and totally forget about it, that other one most likely wont turn out very well.

My greatest strength in a project based school is that there aren't very many tests, which means I don't need to study or memorize as much as I did at my old school. I like going to a project based school better then a normal public school it is easier for me to complete a project rather then study and take a test, that's just how my brain works.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Writing Reflection

At the beginning of the year I wrote about my American icon, Ryan Hall. looking back on this now I realize how far I have come in just one year as a writer. I had learned a lot of "rules" or ways to make my writing better, or writing tips. When I write now I have that list right next to me so I can compare as I am writing. That way I am able to go write down the list and make sure that I am using each one. Also when I write now, I have multiple drafts and go through each one thoroughly to try to make it the best it can be. My 1st draft is usually the worst and then they gradually get better. Now if only I had that dedication to writing blogs...

A goal that I have for my future writing is to not leave everything until the last minute. I usually leave my writing until the last night, because I don't really like writing, and I am not very good at it. My goal is it try to start drafting early on or at least 2 nights before its due so I can just revise the little things, like spelling and grammar.

Monday, June 14, 2010

historical reflections

In college I would like to have a lecture from Franklin D. Roosevelt, when we were studying him earlier this year he really captured my interest and I thought he was a pretty cool president. I really admired his inauguration speech on March 4, 1933. He stated "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."I thought that that was a really inspirational statement to give courage to the people of America.

literary reflection

I'm not really sure but I think I would bring Ma Joad to college with me because she can cook for me. I will not be able to feed myself I will be living off of Ramen Instant noodles! If I have Ma Joad with me I will be well fed and wont have to worry about cooking meals everyday. I will have Ma Joad be my house mother and take care of me and my roommate!

Be sure to include specific evidence from the character, the book/novel, or other relevant sources.